Cosmology and Belief

Virtual Pantheon plus good info on the background & history of the Pantheon.

Use the Pantheon plus pick one other architecture from the AP Art History list. When identifying the work you select, you should try to include all of the following identifiers: title or designation, name of the artist and/or culture of origin, date of creation, and materials. Explain the context in which the two buildings were built and used in terms of cosmology and belief (religion). Explain visual attributes in full detail. Additional information to consider: Did the purpose or function of the buildings change over time and why/how did they? (spend 30 minutes)


  1. Comparing this artwork to Augustus of Primaporta, 1st century C.E. (Vatican Museums) it is clear both of these buildings were built for religious and cultural purposes but were later made to tourist attractions due to the amazement of how these buildings were made, how old they were, and what they were used for. The dome like appearance in the back of the Pantheon is similiar to many European churches, but different to the Mosque in Mali. Although the shapes and appearances of the buildings are different, the religious intent behind the buildings stay placed. The Great Mosque extreme in religion but also recognized for it's structure, just as Pnatheon is. Both buildings are visited often and respected for the technique and time taken to build the two architectures.

  2. The Pantheon, c. 125, Rome, Italy, built by the empire until the rule of Emperor Hadrian, concrete and brick. The Pantheon was created by Agrippa after his and Augustus's victory at the Battle of Actium, and battle that defined the rule of the Roman Empire. This original Pantheon was burned to the ground, and rebuilt by Hadrian in order to worship the gods of ancient Roman cosmology, and nowadays is used daily to hold mass for the Catholic religion. Some visual attributes are the square entrance, and then the spherical shape created by the massive dome, the ceiling has an opening in it, and the inside is covered in marbled details. The purpose and function of the Pantheon did change over time because it was constantly being rebuilt by various ruler s of the Roman Empire, so its function was to commemorate rulers, then to worship the gods, and now for Christians to worship in.

    The Great Pyramids of Giza and The Sphinx, 2630 B.C., ancient Egyptians and the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, and limestone. These pyramids were created are tombs for the beloved pharaohs as a symbol of there high stars and there divinity. They would start construction on the pyramids when the pharaohs were still alive, and then they would be buried with religious objects, and objects of wealth. Some visual attributes of these pyramids is the perfect symmetry of them, the triangular shape created by rectangular blocks of limestone showing the advanced construction, and the sheer size of these massive Pyramids. The purpose and function of the pyramids did not change over time, but nowadays are just a major tourist site, and one of the seven wonders of the world. King Menkaure did change the function slightly by also creating a Sphinx in order to guard the pyramid in which he was buried underneath.

  3. The Pantheon created from 118–125 C.E. using Concrete with stone facing made by the empire was made primarily to celebrate Augustus's victory at the Battle of Actium, one of the most important of the Roman Empire. It shows the importance of religion at the time with sculptures of the gods and goddesses and was preserved extremely well after given to Pope Boniface the IV in 608 AD. It featured geometric shapes in the tiles and overall construction and decoration. The whole building was almost mathematically proportioned. It also was destroyed and rebuilt later on.

    The Notre Dame Cathedral was made by an unknown artist made during 1163–1345 C.E. in France to be made primarily for religious worship. The church is overly complex with flying buttress which line the wall like a military trench support. This suggests that the society has a deep fascination with god and religious functions. It is it's geometric style that was also used in The Pantheon. The church is still well maintained to this day.

  4. The Pantheon- 118-125CE-concrete and stone. It is the most preserved and influential building of ancient Rome. It is a temple dedicated to all the gods of pagan Rome. The building was built entirely without steel reinforcing rods to resist tensile cracking, so necessary in concrete members, and for this concrete dome with a long span to last centuries is incredible. Today, no engineer would build this structure without steel rods! There is a light-well in the center of the dome. Layers of beautiful thin brickwork cover the outside, round walls. Now the Pantheon is a tourist attraction, however very well preserved. It is an architectural miracle and awes artists today.

    Great pyramid of Giza- c. 2580–2560 BC- Limestone and granite. It is the oldest of the seven wonders of the world. o construct the Great Pyramid, workers had to cut, haul and assemble 2.3 million limestone blocks, weighing on average more than two tons, all without modern technology! The shape of the pyramid was a solar reference, perhaps intended as a solidified version of the rays of the sun. Writing tells about the sun’s rays as a ramp the pharaoh mounts to climb to the sky, were actually designed as a staircase. The pyramid was considered a place of regeneration for the deceased ruler. As massive as they are, the pyramids at Giza are not invincible. With the rapid growth of Cairo, they will need a lot of attention and protection if they are to remain intact as vital monuments of ancient history.
